Tips Motivasi Diri

Oleh: Content Team

Terkadang kita merasakan kejenuhan, tidak bersemangat dalam menjalani hidup. Anda merasa butuh adanya motivasi dari orang lain.

Mungkin cara ini bisa berhasil. Namun, untuk kemudian bisa berubah dan bersemangat, kuncinya ada pada diri Anda sendiri.

Tidak ada seorang pun yang bisa memberikan motivasi lebih baik, selain diri kita sendiri. Ada beberapa tips untuk memotivasi diri sendiri, yaitu :

1. Menuliskan tujuan pada selembar kertas.

Untuk bisa memotivasi diri, Anda harus memahami tujuan yang hendak Anda capai. Lakukan refleksi, apa yang sebenarnya Anda inginkan. Kemudian, Anda harus mengembangkan perencanaan jangka pendek maupun jangka panjang.

Pilihan yang Anda tentukan, haruslah realistis, sesuai logika. Anda tidak bisa memilih jalan yang Anda rasa tidak sanggup untuk menjalankannya. Akhirnya, Anda akan menemukan kegagalan dan keputusasaan, sebelum mencapai tujuan tersebut.

Tempelkan lembaran kertas yang berisi tujuan pada ruang yang sering Anda lihat. Anda bisa memilih di cermin kamar, lemari, dinding, atau tempat mana saja yang Anda sering melihat dan membacanya. Setiap hari, sekurangnya baca tulisan itu 5 kali, agar selalu teringat dengan tujuan yang ingin Anda capai dan memiliki motivasi diri untuk mencapainya.

Setiap hari pula, catatlah apa saja hal yang telah Anda lakukan untuk semakin mendekatkan Anda dengan untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut. Dengan cara ini, Anda akan menyadari apakah tujuan itu masih jauh, semakin dekat atau hampir tercapai.

2. Berhenti menunda

Menunda adalah kebiasaan yang bisa membunuh impian dan motivasi diri Anda. Tetapkan batas waktu untuk mencapai satu tujuan, dan berpeganglah dengan batas waktu yang Anda tentukan sendiri. Dengan memiliki perasaan dikejar batas waktu, Anda akan lebih fokus dan berusaha untuk memenuhi tujuan tersebut.

Namun berhati-hatilah, jangan sampai menentukan batas waktu yang membuat Anda stres dan frustasi, dan hanya akan merusak mental dan pikiran Anda. Pikirkanlah batas waktu yang tepat dan tetap membuat Anda nyaman dalam menjalaninya.

3. Reward untuk diri sendiri

Cobalah untuk memberikan hadiah atau menghargai diri Anda sendiri ketika berhasil menyelesaikan satu bagian dalam perencanaan untuk mencapai tujuan Anda. Ini akan menjadikan Anda memiliki harapan, menyuntikkan motivasi diri Anda, agar bisa menyelesaikan bagian-bagian berikutnya untuk memperoleh hadiah yang lebih baik.

Ingat, jika Anda telah menyelesaikan satu rencana, segeralah membuat rencana baru dan pastikan batas waktunya. Orang yang sukses akan selalu mencari cara untuk mengembangkan diri mereka dan kehidupan mereka.

4. Bersenang-senanglah

Dalam melakukan pekerjaan, Anda sering dihadapkan dengan masalah ataupun beban pikiran yang berat. Rasa humor yang cukup, bisa menjadi salah satu kunci untuk sukses. Cobalah untuk tidak terlalu berat memikirkan masalah dan pekerjaan.

Belajarlah untuk menikmati apa yang Anda lakukan setiap hari, sehingga bisa tetap memiliki motivasi diri dan merasa antusias. Dengan tetap memiliki perasaan tersebut, Anda bisa membantu diri sendiri mengontrol tingkat stres yang Anda miliki.

Motivasi diri sendiri memiliki keuntungan tersendiri dan juga memacu diri untuk bisa lebih berkembang, lebih baik, dan mengarah pada kesuksesan.

Dengan memotivasi diri sendiri, berarti Anda juga bisa menciptakan jalan-jalan baru untuk melangkah mencapai tujuan Anda.

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Motivasi Belajar

Oleh: Content Team

Motivasi belajar setiap orang, satu dengan yang lainnya, bisa jadi tidak sama. Biasanya, hal itu bergantung dari apa yang diinginkan orang yang bersangkutan. Misalnya, seorang anak mau belajar dan mengejar rangking pertama karena diiming-imingi akan dibelikan sepeda oleh orangtuanya.

Contoh lainnya, seorang mahasiswa mempunyai motivasi belajar yang tinggi agar lulus dengan predikat cum laude. Setelah itu, dia bertujuan untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan yang hebat dengan tujuan membahagiakan orangtuanya.

Apa saja, sih, faktor-faktor yang membedakan motivasi belajar seseorang dengan yang lainnya?
Beberapa faktor di bawah ini sedikit banyak memberikan penjelasan mengapa terjadi perbedaaan motivasi belajar pada diri masing-masing orang, di antaranya:

* Perbedaan fisiologis (physiological needs), seperti rasa lapar, haus, dan hasrat seksual
* Perbedaan rasa aman (safety needs), baik secara mental, fisik, dan intelektual
* Perbedaan kasih sayang atau afeksi (love needs) yang diterimanya
* Perbedaan harga diri (self esteem needs). Contohnya prestise memiliki mobil atau rumah mewah, jabatan, dan lain-lain.
* Perbedaan aktualisasi diri (self actualization), tersedianya kesempatan bagi seseorang untuk mengembangkan potensi yang terdapat dalam dirinya sehingga berubah menjadi kemampuan nyata.

Stimulus motivasi belajar
Terdapat 2 faktor yang membuat seseorang dapat termotivasi untuk belajar, yaitu:

* Pertama, motivasi belajar berasal dari faktor internal. Motivasi ini terbentuk karena kesadaran diri atas pemahaman betapa pentingnya belajar untuk mengembangkan dirinya dan bekal untuk menjalani kehidupan.
* Kedua, motivasi belajar dari faktor eksternal, yaitu dapat berupa rangsangan dari orang lain, atau lingkungan sekitarnya yang dapat memengaruhi psikologis orang yang bersangkutan.

Tips-tips meningkatkan motivasi belajar
Motivasi belajar tidak akan terbentuk apabila orang tersebut tidak mempunyai keinginan, cita-cita, atau menyadari manfaat belajar bagi dirinya. Oleh karena itu, dibutuhkan pengkondisian tertentu, agar diri kita atau siapa pun juga yang menginginkan semangat untuk belajar dapat termotivasi.

Yuk, ikuti tips-tips berikut untuk meningkatkan motivasi belajar kita:

* Bergaullah dengan orang-orang yang senang belajar
Bergaul dengan orang-orang yang senang belajar dan berprestasi, akan membuat kita pun gemar belajar. Selain itu, coba cari orang atau komunitas yang mempunyai kebiasaan baik dalam belajar.

Bertanyalah tentang pengalaman di berbagai tempat kepada orang-orang yang pernah atau sedang melanjutkan pendidikannya ke jenjang yang lebih tinggi, orang-orang yang mendapat beasiwa belajar di luar negeri, atau orang-orang yang mendapat penghargaan atas sebuah presrasi.

Kebiasaan dan semangat mereka akan menular kepada kita. Seperti halnya analogi orang yang berteman dengan tukang pandai besi atau penjual minyak wangi. Jika kita bergaul dengan tukang pandai besi, maka kita pun turut terciprat bau bakaran besi, dan jika bergaul dengan penjual minyak wangi, kita pun akan terciprat harumnya minyak wangi.
* Belajar apapun
Pengertian belajar di sini dipahami secara luas, baik formal maupun nonformal. Kita bisa belajar tentang berbagai keterampilan seperti merakit komputer, belajar menulis, membuat film, berlajar berwirausaha, dan lain lain-lainnya.
* Belajar dari internet
Kita bisa memanfaatkan internet untuk bergabung dengan kumpulan orang-orang yang senang belajar. Salah satu milis dapat menjadi ajang kita bertukar pendapat, pikiran, dan memotivasi diri. Sebagai contoh, jika ingin termotivasi untuk belajar bahasa Inggris, kita bisa masuk ke milis

Bergaulah dengan orang-orang yang optimis dan selalu berpikiran positif
Di dunia ini, ada orang yang selalu terlihat optimis meski masalah merudung. Kita akan tertular semangat, gairah, dan rasa optimis jika sering bersosialisasi dengan orang-orang atau berada dalam komunitas seperti itu, dan sebaliknya.

Cari motivator
Kadangkala, seseorang butuh orang lain sebagai pemacu atau mentor dalam menjalani hidup. Misalnya: teman, pacar, ataupun pasangan hidup. Anda pun bisa melakukan hal serupa dengan mencari seseorang/komunitas yang dapat membantu mengarahakan atau memotivasi Anda belajar dan meraih prestasi.

"Resep sukses: Belajar ketika orang lain tidur, bekerja ketika orang lain bermalasan, dan bermimpi ketika orang lain berharap." --William A. Ward

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Make business in organization

Organization is an association of people who have same aim. Do anything together in order to make easier. Maybe we have known and join in organization when we in elementary school. After we be adult we still join in organization,because the organizatioon is important to made we be more active,keep relation,make us be more.

The interprestation between organization and business any same thing is a association of people,but the aim of business is profit oriented whereas the aim of organization is prosperity for society. So,how about if we have business in organization,the aim of it still profit oriented?! Maybe it yes.. But the profit of that business we use to something necessity to society.

I have an organization in my area at RT04/13 Cibinong-Bogor. It called 'Bina Taruna'.
I have joined in that organization about 5 years. I got many experience and knowledge in Bina Taruna. We do well things for people especially at RT04 RW 13 domain. Till now,i still enjoy in this organization. This period i be secretary in Bina Taruna.

We have programs to make people in RT04/RW13 be better.
The program which can get money to increase our cash with pay electrical payment collectively. The cost to it Rp3000 per 1 family. The cost of it we use to transportation cost to pay electricity and the residue of it to our income. The income which we got will we use to help the people who needy. So,the profit which we got from that business,we use to charity in our region.

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Transform into passive as the examples above.

1. Did SBY defeat Kalla and Mega ?
Were Kalla and Mega defeated by SBY?

2. Do you also study analyzing the system?
Is analyzing the system also studied by you?

3. How long have you been solving the problem?
How long has the problem been being solved?

4. Does the electronics engineer maintain the machine?
Is the machine maintained by the electronic engineer?

5. Why didn’t you listen to their advice?
Why wasn’t their advice wasn’t listened by you?

6. Can the programmer operate the machine?
Can the machine be operated by the programmer?

7. Who teaches you accounting?
By whom is accounting tought to you?

8. When will you visit him?
When will he be visited by you?

9. Why didn’t you study the lesson?
why wasn’t the lesson studied by you?

10. Where can you get the capital?
Where can the capital being got by you?

11. What will you do to overcome the problem?
What will be done by you to overcome the problem?

12. Must I pay your account?
Must your account be paid by me?

13. Which employee will you promote?
Which employee will be promoted by you?

14. Who must pay the victims of Lapindo?
By whom the victim of Lapindo must be paid?

15. Do you understand the lesson?
Is the lesson understood by you

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Supply its definition! Seasion 1

1. Accounting is a specialized collecting, recording, classifying, summarizing, interpreting, and reporting financial information of a business.
2. Accountant is a specialist in the field of accounting.
3. Public Accountant is an accountant who provides accounting services such as auditing, and tax computation to companies and individuals an receive fee for business.
4. Governmental Accountant is accountants who work with government agencies or bureaus.
5. Private Accountant is accountant who works with Profit Company.
6. CPA (Certified Public Accountant)
7. Balance Sheet is a financial state of company on particular time.
8. Income Statement is financial statement that shows financial performances of a company over a period of time.
9. Assets are an anything of value own by company.
10. Current Assets is a assets that easily to change to money.
11. Fixed asset are assets that are takes time to be changed into money such as properties, building, machinery, equipment
12. Liabilities are debts own by a company
13. Current liabilities are debts that must paid soon, such as account payable, income taxes payable
14. Fixed liabilities are debts can be repair over a longer period of time
15. Book keeper is a specialist in recording and maintaining a ledger
16. International trade is trade with foreign countries
17. multinational cooperation is a company which is primarily based one country and has production and marketing activities in foreign countries
18. Subsidiary is a company which more than 50% of its shares/ stocks belong to the parent company
19. Capital is money that us used to start and continue operating of business
20. Accounting equation is assets equal liability plus owner equity
21. Theory of absolute advantage a nation ought to specialize in the goods that it can produce more efficiently than competitor or in the goods that no other nation can produce
22. Theory of comparative advantage a nation ought to concentrate to produce in the goods most efficiently and profitably
23. Marketing is the movement of goods and services that satisfy the customer and achieve to companies objective
24. Price leaders are producers who establish the market price
25. Profit is money that remind of expenses
26. primary goal of doing a business are paid to create an economic surplus
27. Common channel of distribution is manufacturer → whole seller → retailer → customer
28. Marketing mix is combination of product, price, placement, promotion
29. Promotion is communication about the product that take place between buyers and sellers
30. Stock Broker in between business in the stock exchange

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Mana Semangatnya?!

Kesalahan, kegagalan dan hal2 yg tdk dharapkan adalah suatu pengalaman hidup yg bakal mengajari qt utk menjadi manusia yang lebih baik. Jadi bukan alasan utk urung memulai sesuatu atau menyerah kalah..

Skenario Hidup 1:
Setelah susah payah belajar mati2an tapi nilai ujian qta trnyata pas2an. Bahkan ga lebih besar dr saingan qta yg kerjaaannya cuma ngobrol aja di kelas!
Motto hidup: yang penting usaha..!
Kalau menang sudah melakuan segala daya upaya,ga ada gunanya tenggelam dalam kekecewaan, apalagi sirik hati dgn prestasi orang lain. Itu siy cuma bakal bkin qta mandek di jalan! Mungkin memang ada kekurangan dlm cara qta belajar. Misalnya,belajar sampai larut malam yang akhirnya malah membuat qta pusing dan mengantuk,shingga hasil ujiannya kurang max. Lain kali seimbangkan waktu belajar dan istirahat, deh. Pasti nilai qta tambah oke!

Skenario Hidup 2:
Qta ga sngaja membocorkan rahasia sahabat dan membuatnya marah besar. Uh, nyesel deh.. Gagal jadi sahabat!
Motto hidup: semua manusia pasti pernah berbuat salah.
Yg pasti,qta ga bisa memutar waktu kembali. Jadi yg bisa lakukan hanya meminta maaf dgn tulus,berjanji tidak akan mengulanginya lagi dan benar2 melatih diri utk ga sembarang mengumbar cerita. Kalau sahabat masih sulit memaafkan.. Ya..qta ga bisa memaksakan diri. Mendingan pergunakan bencana ini sbg pelajaran baru,agar teman2 lain masih mau berteman dgn qta.

Skenario Hidup 3:
Gebetan qta trnyata baru jadian,dan pacarnya cantik sekali.. Hiks,jdi ga semangat ngapa2in.. Boro2 mau belajar,makan pun ga berselera!
Motto hidup: memangnya di dunia ini cuma ada 1 cowok?
Buat apa buang2 waktu menangisi seseorang yg ga tahu isi hati qta? Kayak ga ada kerjaan lain aj.. Mungkin ini cara Tuhan memberi tahu qta kalau dia bukanlah cowok yg tepat. Dan mungkin alangkah baiknya lagi ga usah mikirin pacaran deh..
Mending pacarannya abis nikah aj.. Hehe


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Christina Aguilera - Hurt

Seems like it was yesterday when I saw your face

You told me how proud you were but I walked away

If only I knew what I know today

(Ooh ooh)

I would hold you in my arms

I would take the pain away,

Thank you for all you've done

Forgive all your mistakes

There's nothing I wouldn't do

To hear your voice again

Sometimes I want to call you but I know you won't be there

I'm sorry for blaming you for everything I just couldn't do

And I hurt myself by hating you

Somedays I feel broke inside but I won't admit

Sometimes I just want to hide 'cause it's you I miss

And it's so hard to say goodbye when it comes to this

(Ooh ooh)

Would you tell me I was wrong?

Would you help me understand?

Are you looking down upon me?

Are you proud of who I am?

There's nothing I want to do

To have just one more chance

To look into your eyes and see you looking back

I'm sorry for blaming you for everything I just couldn't do

And I've hurt myself

(Ohh)If I had just one more day, I would tell you how much

I've missed you since you've been away (yeah)

Oh, it's dangerous

It's so out of line to try to turn back time

I'm sorry for blaming you for everything I just couldn't do

And I've hurt myself

By hating you

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David Cook - The Time of My Life

I’ve been waiting for my dreams

To turn into something

I could believe in

And looking for that magic rainbow

On the horizon

I couldn’t see it until I let go

Gave into love

And watched all the bitterness burn

Now I’m coming alive

Body and soul

And feelin’ my world start to turn

And I’ll taste every moment

And live it out loud

I know this is the time,

This is the time

To be more than a name

Or a face in the crowd

I know this is the time

This is the time of my life

Time of my life

Holding onto things that vanished

Into the air

Left me in pieces

But now I’m rising from the ashes

Finding my wings

And all that I needed was there all along

Within my reach

As close as the beat of my heart

And I’ll taste every moment

And live it out loud

I know this is the time,

This is the time to be

More than a name

Or a face in the crowd

I know this is the time

This is the time of my life

The time of my life

And I’m out on the edge of forever

Ready to run

Keeping my feet on the ground

Arms open wide,

Face to the sun

And I’ll taste every moment

And live it out loud

I know this is the time,

This is the time to be

More than a name

Or a face in the crowd

I know this is the time,

This is the time of my life, my life

More than a name

Or a face in the crowd

I know this is the time,

This is the time of my life,

(Na na na na na, na na na na na)

This is the time of my life,

(Na na na na na)

The time of my life,

Time of my life.

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David Archuleta - Crush

I hung up the phone tonight

Something happened for the first time deep inside

It was a rush, what a rush

'Cause the possibility

That you would ever feel the same way about me

It's just too much, just too much

Why do I keep running from the truth?

All I ever think about is you

You got me hypnotized, so mesmerized

And I've just got to know

Do you ever think when you're all alone

All that we can be, where this thing can go?

Am I crazy or falling in love?

Is it real or just another crush?

Do you catch a breath when I look at you?

Are you holding back like the way I do?

'Cause I'm trying and trying to walk away

But I know this crush ain't goin' away-ay-ay-ay-ayy

Goin' away-ay-ay-ay-ayy

Has it ever crossed your mind

When we're hanging, spending time girl, are we just friends?

Is there more, is there more?

See it's a chance we've gotta take

'Cause I believe that we can make this into something that will last

Last forever, forever

Do you ever think when you're all alone

All that we can be, where this thing can go?

Am I crazy or falling in love?

Is it real or just another crush?

Do you catch a breath when I look at you?

Are you holding back like the way I do?

'Cause I'm trying and trying to walk away

But I know this crush ain't goin' away-ay-ay-ay-ayy

Goin' away-ay-ay-ay-ayy

Why do I keep running from the truth?

All I ever think about is you

You got me hypnotized, so mesmerized

And I've just got to know

Do you ever think when you're all alone

All that we can be, where this thing can go?

Am I crazy or falling in love?

Is it real or just another crush?

Do you catch a breath when I look at you?

Are you holding back like the way I do?

'Cause I'm trying and trying to walk away

But I know this crush ain't goin' away-ay-ay-ay-ayy

This crush ain't goin' away-ay-ay-ay-ayy

Goin' away-ay-ay-ay-ayy

Goin' away-ay-ay-ay-ayy

Goin' away-ay-ay-ay-ayy

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David Archuleta - A little too not over you

Oohhhh oh, oh..
It never crossed my mind at all
It's what I tell myself
What we had has come and gone
You're better off with someone else.
It's for the best, I know it is.
But I see you.
Sometimes I try to hide
What I feel inside
And I turn around
You're with him now
I just can't figure it out

Tell me why it's so hard to forget
Don't remind me, I'm not over it

Tell me why I can't seem to face the truth
I'm just a little too not over you
Not over you....

Memories, supposed to fade
What's wrong with my heart?
Shake it off, let it go
Didn't think it'd be this hard
Should be strong, movin' on
But I see you
Sometimes I try to hide
What I feel inside
And I turn around
You're with him now
I just can't figure it out

Tell me why it's so hard to forget
Don't remind me, I'm not over it

Tell me why I can't seem to face the truth
I'm just a little too not over you

Maybe I regret everything I said
No way to take it all back, yeah...
Now I'm on my own..
How I let you go, I'll never understand

I'll never understand, yeah, oohh..

Oohhh, oohhh, oohhhh..
Oohhh, ooohhhh, oohhh

Tell me why it's so hard to forget
Don't remind me, I'm not over it

Tell me why I can't seem to face the truth
I'm just a little too not over you

Tell me why it's so hard to forget
Don't remind me, I'm not over it

Tell me why I can't seem to face the truth
And I really don't know what to do
I'm just a little too not over you

Not over you, oohhh..

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Business Fields and Careers

* General Manager
* Personnel Manager
* Production Manager

* Researcher
* Advertiser
* Buyer
* Seller
* Distributor

* Bookkeeper
* Private accountant
* Public accountant
* Government accountant

* Banker
* Financial analyst
* Stockbroker

* Computer operator
* Computer programmer
* System analyst

Match with the term above !

1. A specialist in analyzing the system for the computer is system analyst.

2. An employ who has the most responsible in an organization is general manager.

3. The chief of the department whose job is to get the products to the customers is distributor.

4. A specialist in writing and keeping financial information is bookkeeper.

5. In between businessman in the stock exchange is stock broker.

6. One who owns the bank is banker.

7. An employee whose job is to operate the machine is computer operator.

8. The head of the department whose function is to negotiate with employees is personnel manager.

9. An employee whose job is to carry out a study is researcher.

10. A specialist in interpreting financial data who receives fee is public accountant.

11. Specialist in analyzing financial data is financial analyst.

12. The chief of manufacturing department of a company is production manager.

13. The chief of a department store who keeps stock is buyer.

14. A person whose job is to carry out sale promotion is advertiser.

15. An accountant who works with a private company is private accountant.

16. Specialist in field of writing the software for the computer is computer programmer.

17. Specialist in the field of accounting who works with government bureau is
government accountant.

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1.Marketing means the movements of goods and services from manufacturers to customer
in order to satisfy the customers and to achieve the company’s objectives.

2.Marketing includes buying, selling, market research, transportation, storage,

3.The four P’s are product, price, placement, promotion.

4.Product refers to goods or services that a company wants to sell.

5.Product element includes research & development of a new product, research of the
potential market of testing the product to insured quality and the introduction to
the market.

6.Price is the amount of money that a company wants to charge for its product.

7.Three pricing options are above the market, below the market, with the market.

8.The price is above the market if the company charges for its product above the
average price.

9.The price is below the market if it charges less than the average price.

10.The price is with the market if it charges the same with the average price.

11.Price leaders are the company that establish the market prices.

12.Placement involves getting the product to the customers.

13.A common channel distribution is manufactured » whole seller » retailer »

14.Promotion is communication about the product that take places between buyers and

15.Two major ways of promotion are through personal selling as in Department Store
and through advertising as in newspaper, magazine, TV, etc.

16.Succesful marketing mix is the four elements of marketing ( product, price,
placement, promotion) combined together that satisfies customers and achieves
company’s objectives.

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